
A Conversation About Indigenous Sovereignties and Land Conservation


The #landback movement advocates for the return of U.S. public lands to Indigenous Nations. How does our relationship to the land change when the land is being protected by Indigenous conservationists? This webinar with Diné scholars and activists will center these questions within the collective Indigenous cultural history of the Grand Canyon.


  • Deidra Peaches, Diné Filmmaker, Director, Cinematographer, Editor, and Writer
  • Cody Fetty, Diné, Program Coordinator at Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps
  • Colleen Cooley, Diné advocate and raft guide on the San Juan River
  • Julia Vogel, Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from Paris-Nanterre University


  • Eugénie Clément, Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology, EHESS

Register here

Sponsor(s): Latin American Institute, Institut des Amériques, Anthropology, American Indian Studies Interdepartmental Program, Mondes Américains, EHESS

Le 25 avril 2022
20:00 UTC+02
With the support of IdA

This land was made for you and me ? Public lands, National Parks and #Landback

25 avril 2022

Cet événement a réuni quatre interventions autour des liens entre la gestion du parc national de Grand Canyon et de la remise en cause du concept de « wilderness ».
