Aire géographique
Maître.sse de conférences
Maître de conférences
Maîtresse de conférences
Sciences de l'information et de la communication
Sciences politiques
Histoire moderne et contemporaine

As a researcher, I question political communication, mainly in the Latin American cultural area and in Chile in particular. I cultivate the interdisciplinary nature of my work, at the crossroads of political sociology, history and communication sciences. In France, I am qualified at the National Council of Universities in section 04 (Political Science, since 2015) 11 (SIC, since 2023) and 14 (Roman Language and Literature, since 2019).

My research deals with how do communication temporalities order a common political time by regulating the circulation of the flow of information. As a ministerial research fellow, my thesis in political science focuses on Chilean media activity during the Allende government (1970-1973), and discusses journalism in times of political crisis. More generally, I question the relationships between the journalistic and political fields by placing these interactions in longer processes, and in particular the convergences and divergences in the professionalization of the two fields, but also the memory that practitioners keep of them. To articulate the short and long term (FONDECYT N°11170348), I examine more precisely the political temporalities of journalism and their transformations, as well as the uses of journalistics source (FONDECYT N°1231032). I look for traces of the journalistic use of time in professional practices and discourse, and its effects on political life (politics), public policies (policies) and the political order (politics). After the 1970s and the metamorphoses of the journalistic temporality regime, I am now interested in its transformations with the use of the Internet and social networks, and their impact on the communication practices of political professionals and parties. Also, I have developped this approach about Chilean digital media business model (PLU220021 as Principal researcher; PLU 210021 as Associated researcher).

This work also involves questioning images, whether photography or television series (American dramas and Latin American telenovelas, i.e., in ECOS-ANID 220009 project, GUMELAB or Sello Project): I articulate visual and film analysis, political sociology and the history of political representations to question the alternative temporalities proposed in the series. 

These investigation lines question political phenomenon such as social movements organizations and policy outcomes (in FONDECYT N° 1190070 or MINI-COES "Construcción de coaliciones transversales de movimientos sociales: el caso de Unidad Social en Chile").

Finally, this work includes experimentations about the way to divulgate investigation, such as video vignette and podcast, in a proyect granted by Fundación Charles-Leopold-Meyer, Observatorio Político de América Latina y el Caribe (OPALC - Sciences Po París) and Transparencia por Colombia (since 2016).