Key words: Ecuador, Colombia, Latin America, Philippines; 19, 20, 21 centuries; Nation, Education, Culture.
Emmanuelle Sinardet (normalienne, ESSEC, agrégée, docteure, habilitée-HDR) is Professor for Latin American Studies at University Paris Nanterre. Since 2007 she has been in charge of the CEE (Centre d'Études Équatoriennes) in the CRIIA (Centre de Recherches Ibériques et Ibéro-américaines) at the UR (Unité de Recherche) Études Romanes.
Her research focuses on nationalism, education, cultural policies in the 19th and 20th centuries, in Latin America and in the Philippines. Since 2015 she has been a member of the Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador. She has published several articles, books and research papers, and delivered international lectures on these topics. She is currently (2022) researching “Filipinoness” and Imagined Communities in the Philippine Literature in Spanish (1902-1942) at the CNRS (delegation) UMR 5317 IHRIM.
She is a member and co-coordinator of international research projects, such as ILA (2021-2023, Comue-UPL) ; CLACSO Grupo Artes, educación y ciudadanía; ILA 2 « Ici, Là-bas, Ailleurs : le transnationalisme par ses acteurs – Subjectivités et stratégies d’adaptation (16e-21e siècles) » (IDA-Réseau thématique Pôle Nord-Est) ; « DIGIPHILIT - Innovations in Methodologies and Syllabus: Digital Humanities and Philippine Literature » (Erasmus+ EPOS, Project code: 2020-1-BE02-KA203-074821).
As a Professor, Emmanuelle Sinardet teaches undergraduates (L), master's degree students (M), PhD students (D), Agrégation et CAPES students, on topics related to history and culture in Latin America and the Philippines. She is in charge of the International Bilingual French-Spanish Program (CIFE Cursus international franco-espagnol) of the Licence Economie-Gestion at Paris Nanterre University. She is currently (2022) working on a guide to good practices in distant teaching and to the inclusion of digital resources in teaching, and also on Double Degrees with Latin American Universities.
Last book (June 2022):
Les mobilités trans-impériales, trans-coloniales et trans-nationales dans les Amériques (XVI-XXIe siècles), with Marie-Christine Michaud and Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, Rennes, Editions Perséïdes, 2022.
Au sein de l'IDA, Emmanuelle Sinardet est déléguée de l'Université Paris Nanterre - Pôle Nord-est.