The international policy of theIdAfitsintotheproject of creating a Euro-American teachingspaceexpressed in the establishment of twelve hubs acrossthe American continent. TheIdA, withthecooperation of universities in itsnetwork, contributes to developing a reflection on dual degreesand to facilitatingexchangesbetweenuniversities, professorsandstudentsfromtheAmericasand Europe.

The IdA has established 12 centers across the Americas whose missions are to:

  • Spread and promote French research and higher education teaching on the Americas,
  • Be a place for exchanges between European and American experts,
  • Promote the activities of IdA’s network members and its scientific policy.

Presentation of the international centers

  • Canada
  • New-England
  • Washington
  • Texas
  • California
  • Mexico
  • The Caribbean
  • Central America
  • Andean Bogota
  • Andean Lima
  • Brazil
  • Southern Cone

Functioning of the centers

The centers are coordinated by the laureates of the doctoral contracts “Institut des Amériques”. The doctoral laureate resides 8 months per year on the site that their are coordinating, enabling them to become familiar with activities related to the dissemination and the promotion of research by engaging in scientific and partnership actions. The coordinator collaborates with local actors and with IdA’s international relations team. 

Centers to be renewed for the 2022-2025 period:

  • Southern Cone Center (Centre Franco Argentin des Hautes Études (CFA) à Buenos Aires)
  • California Center (Latin American Institute, University of Los Angeles à Los Angeles)
  • Texas Center (University of Texas à Austin)
carte des pôles internationaux