The Center is hosted by the French Institute of Andean Studies (IFEA), present in Lima since 1948. An important event in which the Andean pole Lima participates are the Days of Young Americanists (JJA), organized by the CEMCA and the Mexico center since 2010 and since 2015, alternating the organization with the IFEA. This major event for young Americanist research aims to promote the production of works in the humanities and social sciences in the Americas and to contribute to the dialogue between young researchers by offering a space for reflection and analysis. This event is also an opportunity for the Andean Lima center to strengthen its links with other centers of the Institute of the Americas as well as with researchers from CEMCA (Center for Mexican and Central American Studies) and Casa Velázquez.
Discover in 180 seconds the thesis of Valentine ARTANO-GARMENDIA, coordinator of the Andean Lima Center (2023-2026), PhD student at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne (ED 434).
PhD dissertation topic : « The Waorani people through contact: geography of a conflict. » under the direction of LE TOURNEAU François-Michel
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