The Biden Administration and Strategic Rivalries: What Consequences for Europe?

This Symposium aims to examine America’s strategic stakes in times of crisis and their impact for European partners. The return of the war in Europe and the reinforcement of new great power competition with revisionist Russia and China on multiple theaters questions the resilience of US power.  As Midterms elections and domestic politics are under scrutiny the conference will consider the priorities and options for the Biden administration and US Congress beyond 2022, while considering how the upcoming elections might jeopardize the Administration policies.  To what extent the US may be pivoting back to Europe as the war in Ukraine seems to be a game changer? How the war has changed the rules of the contest with Russia? How will it shape the future of transatlantic relations? Has the US still the means to have a global Grand Strategy?  If not what to expect from US Grand Strategy in Asia-Pacific from a European point of view?

The morning panels will try to provide a first assessment of the Biden administration Foreign Policy choices while focusing on the sustainability of aid, and military support to Ukraine and Europe in the long run.  The debates will examine US posture and the perceptions of NATO and the EU to counter Russian threats. The afternoon panels will analyze US and European strategies and assessments with respect to the Indo-Pacific region by comparing the visions that US and EU seek to promote in the Indo-Pacific region– with regard to diplomacy, influence, military strategy, trade and economics, environmental protection and connectivity. It will explore first the US-China strategic contest in the region and the main issues at stake such as Taiwan tensions and transatlantic cooperation – the expectations of the US towards Asian partners and the opportunities for European allies to engage in the region. As regards strategic partnerships it will explore the initiatives for global digital governance, technological cooperation vs. competition and offer a comparative perspective on US and EU trade strategies and economic frameworks (IPEF vs Global Gateway).  

This symposium aims at engaging in a thoughtful transatlantic dialogue by bringing together top-level policymakers, academics, military and diplomatic leaders from Europe, the United States, Canada. These insightful dialogues will help to address immediate and long-range interdependent challenges facing the United States and its European allies.  

More information on the IRSEM's website.

Le 8 novembre 2022
de 9h45 à 17h
Com o apoio do IdA
École militaire - Amphithéâtre Des Vallières
Área geográfica