Curriculum Vitae
Diego Jarak ||
Senior Lecturer (HDR)
Vice-president for Culture & Interdisciplinarity
University of La Rochelle
Degrees and University Training
(2017) Habilitation to direct research at the University of Rennes 2. Title of the Habilitation: "Orality, Photography and Nation in Argentina in the 19th century". Title of the work: "Photography Event/Visual Culture and Nation/Buenos Aires 1843-1895".
(Since 2010) Researcher at the Center for Research in International and Atlantic History (CRHIA, La Rochelle).
(2009) Qualification as a lecturer, section CNU 14, Spanish.
(2004 - 2008) PhD in cotutelle Hispano-American Studies from Aix-Marseille University and the University of Buenos Aires. Title of the thesis " Oralité et écriture dans la réflexion de l'Argentin Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1839-1850) ", under the co-direction of Mr. Pablo Berchenko and Mr. Juan Carlos Garavaglia. Qualification: Honorable mention with unanimous congratulations of the jury.
(1996 - 2001) Diploma of Professor in Philosophy for Higher Education. Dissertation title: "Special Didactics and Practices of Teaching Philosophy". Mention : very good.
Administrative responsibilities
(Since 2021) - Vice-president for Culture & Interdisciplinarity
(2018-2021) - Director of the Faculty of Letters, Arts, Humanities, University of La Rochelle.
(Since 2015) - Director of the Master LEA course Direction of audiovisual and digital projects, at the University of La Rochelle, UFR FLASH.
(2012 - 2015) - Director of the Master LEA course Languages, Cultures and International Affairs, at the University of La Rochelle, UFR FLASH.
Scientific responsibilities
(October 2019) - Responsible for the organization of the 3rd study day "Políticas de la visualidad: Desplazamientos epistémicos, identitarios y estéticos", University of La Rochelle, UFR FLASH.
(June 2019) - Member of the Scientific Committee for the X International Colloquium "Fantasías pornotópicas. Subjetividades deseantes en América latina y España", Coord. Angeles Mateo del Pino (Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Spain
Research projects with funding
(May 2019) - Responsible for the project "Aimé Bonpland: an augmented archive" binational Franco-Argentine program "Innovart".
(June 2018) - Responsible for the project "Insitorium: Immersive sound media for heritage enhancement" funded by the New Aquitaine Region - Eventech program.
(May 2017) - Responsible for the project "Mediación cultural y robótica para la comunicación en espacios culturales" binational Franco-Argentine program "Innovart".
Selected publications
(2021) "Mujer sin H/Nombre. Figuras y cuerpos abyectos en la pampa rioplatense colonial" in Ángeles Mateo del Pino (ed.) Material de derribo, Leiden (Netherlands), Almenara Press (subpress).
(2021) " Juan Manuel de Rosas, l'image qui manque " in Savoirs en circulation dans l'espace atlantique (Europe, Amérique latine, Afrique ; XVIe-XIXe siècles) (to be published soon in the electronic review Reflexos, Marc Gruas (dir.), Toulouse.
(2020) "Escrituras. Collaborations artistiques dans l'espace urbain en tension " in Santiago Morilla et Anne Puech (éd.) Pratiques artistiques dans l'espace public / Prácticas artísticas en el espacio público, HispanismeS n° 14, pp. 132-143.
(2020) "The fragment in itself. A propos de Desapariciones de Helen Zout" in Raúl Caplán and Erich Fisbach (eds.) Esthétiques de la déconstruction mémorielle dans le cône sud, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2020, pp. 253-268.
(2019) "Leyendo imágenes. Tras las huellas de Esteban Gonnet" in Victor Rodriguez Infiesta and Rebeca Riguiera Ruiz (ed.) Lectura y lectores (1° parte), Paris, PILAR editores, pp. 119- 135.
(2019) Revista de Estudios Curatoriales " Artes en cruce o de las figuras del entrre arte, ciencia, tecnología y naturaleza ", Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, año 6, n° 8.